Never stated anything about having bad relationship with her peer. Not stated that Hess is an orphan or her parents are dead. Like, did Hess truly didn't want to go back to reality? Did Hess never considered any of her family, or friends in real world? It's never stated either that Hess living in a difficult life. Kaelus may be her one and only reason to survive in that world, but he's not her one and only reason to survive in real world. Hess said it herself, even though Kaelus is indeed her only reason wanting to stay in that world, Kaelus is not big enough of a reason in Hess life in real world. Really? That's all it took for her to decide she's gonna stay and accept the world as reality? At least if Hess decided that she will accept the world as her new reality, give it another reason. Personally, what i'd like to point out first is that, really? Hess being thorn wether she want to go back or not, wether she could accept the reality, and accepting Kaelus feelings, just get resolved like that? Seeing her favourite crying? I mean yeah, I would try to do anything if my favourite cry in front of me like that because of me, but.